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© Collegium Bible Institute 2013
Program Description Diploma of Biblical Studies APL-Apologetics SCH 101 Deconstruction of America 0.33 102 Understanding the Times 6.00 103 Margret Sanger Thesis 0.50 Total: 6.83 BIB-Biblical Studies 101 The Fear of God 0.42 102 Faith Academics 0.79 103 The Knowledge of God 0.79 104 Gifts of the Spirit 0.70 105 Healing: The Life Force of God 1.57 106 Communicating With God 0.82 Total: 5.09 CHR-Christology 101 The Garden and the Cross 0.61 102 Abiding in the Vine 0.72 Total: 1.33 ECC-Ecclesiology 101 Are You Called? 0.72 102 Mentoring 0.88 103 Transformed in Your Journey (on campus) 0.42 104 He Called Her Woman 0.44 105 Church Government 0.77 106 Are There Apostles and Prophets Today? 0.92 107 Apostles 0.61 108 Prophets 1.00 109 Teachers 0.42 110 Pastors and Evangelists 0.61 Total: 6.79 HML-Homiletics 101 36-Sermon Reports (on campus) 2.25 Total: 2.25 HBR-Hebraic Studies 101 Biblical Principles of Prosperity 0.44 102 Buried With Christ 0.44 103 The Hebrew Alphabet and Culture 1.46 Total: 2.34 SPW-Spiritual Warfare 101 Compromising With Jezebel 0.67 102 Perception VS Reality 0.67 103 Road to Freedom 0.61 104 Rules of Engagement 0.61 105 Building a Philosophy for Life 0.61 Total: 3.17 STR-Soteriology 101 True & False Conversions 0.61 102 Amazing Grace 0.87 103 Overcoming Sin 0.72 Total: 2.20 TOTAL SCH 30.00 Associate of Biblical Studies APL-Apologetics SCH 201 The Riddle of the Origins 2.50 Total: 2.50 BIB-Biblical Studies 201 In the Beginning-Warfare 2.00 202 Power of Obedience 2.00 203 Consequence of Divine Order 2.00 204 Wilderness Training 2.00 205 From the Set Man to the Council 2.00 206 Fruit of Adultery 2.00 207 Road to Recovery 2.00 208 Plan of Attack 2.00 209 Do You Serve God For Nothing? 2.00 210 Becoming Established 2.00 211 Hebrew Alphabet and the Law 2.00 212 The Upright and the Wicked 2.00 Total: 24.00 ECC-Ecclesiology 201 Counting the Cost Thesis 0.50 Total: 0.50 SYS-Systematic Theology 201      A Survey of Bible Doctrine 3.00 Total: 3.00 TOTAL SCH 30.00 Advanced Associate of Biblical Studies SYS-Systematic Theology SCH 301 An Exegetical Composition on the Prophets 6.75 302 The Glorious Future 3.00 303 Icabod 2.50 304 Rise of the Beast 1.50 Total: 13.75 GRK-Original Greek 301 Logos Greek Language Studies (on campus) 2.00 Total:  2.00 HBL-Original Hebrew 301 Logos Hebrew Language Studies (on campus) 2.00 Total: 2.00 HBR-Hebraic Studies 301 Biblical Feasts 3.00 Total: 3.00 HML-Homiletics 301 36-Sermon Reports 2.25 Total: 2.25 HST-History 301 American History 2.00 302 Already Compromised 1.00 303 Original Intent Thesis 1.00 304 Re-digging the Wells of our Fathers 3.00 Total: 7.00 TOTAL SCH 30.00 Bachelor of Biblical Studies BIB-Biblical Studies 401 Matthew 2.00 402 Mark 2.00 403 Luke 2.00 404 John 2.00 405 Acts 2.00 406 Romans 2.00 407 I & II Corinthians 2.00 408 Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, and Colossians 2.00 409 I & II Thessalonians and I & II Timothy 2.00 410 Titus, Philemon, & Hebrews 1.50 411 James, I & II Peter, John I II and III, and Jude 1.50 412 Revelation 2.00 Total: 23.00 ESC-Eschatology 401 The Jewish Wedding 0.50 402 The Preterit's View 0.50 403 Song of Solomon: An Interpretation of End Times 0.50 404 The Prophets' Window into the Future 0.50 405 The Seven Churches 0.50 406 Iconic Interpretation 0.50 407 Will You Be Counted Worthy 1.00 408 An Exposition on Revelation 1.00 Total:  5.00 HST-History 401 Civil Government upon Godly Principles 1.00 Total: 1.00 SPW-Spiritual Warfare 401 Generational Curses and the Deliverance Ministry 0.50 402 Our Protective Covering 0.50 Total: 1.00 TOTAL SCH 30.00   Course Descriptions APL-Apologetics 101 Deconstruction of America This is the true story of how God's sovereign hand guided the founders of America. It takes you on a journey...from Christopher Columbus to Jamestown...from Valley Forge to the Constitutional Convention...from the Civil War to the Stock Market Crash...from FDR to the present. 102 Understanding the Times This course outlines the differences between Christianity and the other prominent worldviews vying for allegiance in Western culture: Islam, Postmodernism, Secular Humanism, Marxism, and New Age. 103 Margret Sanger Thesis A research paper into the life of Margret Sanger 201 The Riddle of the Origins This course looks at science and the bible. It answers the question, "Can we trust our bibles?" The student will learn about, astronomy and the bible, dating fossils and rocks, the fossil record, the origin of humans, the origin of life, and does it matter what we believe? BIB-Biblical Studies 101 The Fear of God This course is designed to teach a biblical description of "The Fear of God." The student can expect to learn the biblical definition of the fear of God, how to acquire it, and the benefits that a fear of God promises. 102 Faith Academics The purpose of this lesson is to get a biblical working knowledge of what faith actually is. The student will be able to define it, grow it, and see its importance in the life of a minister of the Gospel. 103 The Knowledge of God The student will learn the importance of the "Knowledge of God." They will learn an accurate definition of the phrase and they will learn that it is the key that opens the Christian to experience the divine nature of God. This course has the power to alter any Christian's life and behavior. 104 Gifts of the Spirit An introduction to Gifts of the Spirit. We will define them so that they can become recognizable to the student. The student will also be given an evaluation in order to help them recognize their gifts. 105 Healing: The Life Force of God Does God still heal the sick? This is an exploratory look at healing from a biblical perspective. We answer questions like, "What does healing have to do with the kingdom of God?" and "Can any of us who are Christians pray for the sick with an expectation of results. 106 Communicating With God The student will learn about the different kinds of prayer found in the bible. We also teach the importance of the prayer of faith to access the divine nature of God. The student will understand how important it is to inquire of the Lord and how to hear His voice. 201 In the Beginning-Warfare Reading and Interpretation-Genesis 1 through 48 202 Power of Obedience Reading and Interpretation-Genesis 49 through Exodus 12 203 Consequence of Divine Order Reading and Interpretation-Exodus 13 through Numbers 24 204 Wilderness Training Reading and Interpretation-Numbers 25 through Deuteronomy 34 205 From the Set Man to the Council Reading and Interpretation-Joshua 1 through I Samuel 13 206 Fruit of Adultery Reading and Interpretation-I Samuel 14 through I Kings 1 207 Road to Recovery Reading and Interpretation-I Kings 2 through I Chronicles 8 208 Plan of Attack Reading and Interpretation-I Chronicles 9 through Nehemiah 13 209 Do You Serve God For Nothing? Reading and Interpretation-Esther 1 through Job 42 210 Becoming Established Reading and Interpretation-Psalms 1 through 72 211 Hebrew Alphabet and the Law Reading and Interpretation-Psalms 73 through 150 212 The Upright and the Wicked Reading and Interpretation-Proverbs 1 through Song of Solomon 8 301 An Exegetical Composition on the Prophets "Opening Up Commentary" series on the prophets. This is a historical and contextual view into the prophetic books of the bible. 302 The Glorious Future Reading and Interpretation-Isaiah 1 through 66 303 Icabod Reading and Interpretation-Jeremiah 1 through Ezekiel 48 304 Rise of the Beast Reading and Interpretation-Daniel 1 through Malachi 4 401 Matthew Reading and Interpretation-The Gospel of Matthew 402 Mark Reading and Interpretation-The Gospel of Mark 403 Luke Reading and Interpretation-The Gospel of Luke 404 John Reading and Interpretation-The Gospel of John 405 Acts Reading and Interpretation-The Book of The Acts of the Apostles 406 Romans Reading and Interpretation-The Book of Romans 407 I & II Corinthians Reading and Interpretation-The Books of I & II Corinthians 408 Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, and Colossians Reading and Interpretation-The Books of Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, and Colossians 409 I & II Thessalonians and I & II Timothy Reading and Interpretation-The Books of I & II Thessalonians and I & II Timothy 410 Titus, Philemon, & Hebrews Reading and Interpretation-The Books of Titus, Philemon, and Hebrews 411 James, I & II Peter, I, II, & III John, and Jude Reading and Interpretation-The Books of James, I & II Peter, I, II, & III John, and Jude 412 Revelation Reading and Interpretation-The Book of Revelation CHR-Christology 101 The Garden and the Cross This lesson was developed to raise the student's knowledge of the completed redemption that Jesus accomplished. It stresses the three parts of the atonement; the mind, the spirit, and the body. The student will come away with a full understanding of the word "salvation." 102 Abiding in the Vine Jesus was a Master storyteller. He had the ability to take common surroundings and turn them into essential lessons that concern our lives. One of these stories was the story of abiding in the vine. ECC-Ecclesiology 101 Are You Called? This is a biblical look at our calling as Christians to present evidence of purpose and those things which God has ordained us to accomplish. It will guide the student to the importance of discipleship to facilitate growth and maturity. 102 Mentoring This course is designed to prepare the student for discipleship; to understand the roles of disciple and leader; to learn the responsibility that the leader has toward the student and the responsibility the student has toward the leader. The underlying message of this lesson is designed to build the relationship between disciple and leader. 103 Transformed in Your Journey Self-awareness is a vital component if the disciple is to mature into the man or woman God has ordained them to be. This course will help the student to see themselves and identify with the person they are in light of the Creator who made them. 104 He Called Her Woman This course takes a look at the differences of the roles of men and women in the Church. The knowledge this course will impart will motivate you and bring a new revelation to how God views marriage. We will go through those controversial statements that Apostle Paul made and deal with them using sound hermeneutic principles of interpretation. 105 Church Government What is the Church? How is it portrayed as today, and how do we fit into it? We define Church government, what the bible states, and what we see being used today. It covers an in depth study of the Body of Christ and the structure of that Body. We also introduce the student to the concept of the five-fold ministry. 106 Are There Apostles and Prophets Today? This course was developed to give the student an understanding of the arguments used by those that consider the prophet and apostle as non-existent in the Church today. We take each of their arguments and exegetically deal with them. The student can expect to come away with the ability to defend the presence of these callings in the world today. The secondary purpose of this course is to enlighten the Church to the presence of these important callings in today's Church. 107 Apostles The structure of Church leadership was clearly defined by Apostle Paul. Each calling has a passion, special giftings and anointings to complete their course. First, in our look at callings is the apostle. The apostle is a unique calling that is needed in the Church today. 108 Prophets The calling of prophet is one of the most mysterious callings in the bible. This course will bring sensibility to the topic of the prophetic ministry. Learn about their passion and gifting as well as why we need them in the Church today. 109 Teachers The teacher is another important calling in the Body of Christ. This calling is an asset to the other four and they help to keep any organization free of heresy. 110 Pastors and Evangelists We continue our study of the fivefold official callings. In this installment we will take a close look at the Pastor and the Evangelist and their purpose in the Church. We look at the passion and gifting that drives them. 201 Counting the Cost Thesis Research and thesis on the cost of calling and the importance of pursuing one's calling. ESC-Eschatology 401 The Jewish Wedding This exciting lesson reveals so much regarding teaching of Jesus. By understanding the ceremony of the Jewish wedding, the student will have a greater understanding of the synaptic gospels and the words of Jesus. This ceremony also has great implications concerning water baptism and the return of our Lord for His bride, the Church. 402 The Preterit's View In our study on eschatology, we look into the preterit's view. We explore the possibilities of this doctrine to determine its validity. This course will give the student the necessary information to communicate with others on a level that will be respected. The student will again be able to make informed decisions as to the truth or deception of this view. 403 Song of Solomon: An Interpretation of End Times The Song of Solomon gives an allegorical look at the Gentile Church and her interactions with the Jewish Church. This allegory lays out the prophetic journey of the Church and how the end days play out. 404 The Prophets' Window into the Future Take a look into the future through the eyes of the prophets. The prophetic ministry of the Old Covenant is replete with glimpses into the end of the Church age. Looking at them gives us a partial view and helps us to realize the time in which we live. 405 The Seven Churches The seven Churches in the Book of Revelation has long been a passage of fascination. This course brings understanding to their placement at this point in scripture and what they mean. 406 Iconic Interpretation Among the different levels of interpretation we find that iconic interpretation is one of the most powerful tools to unlock the symbolism of the bible. The Word of God has within it all of the things necessary to interpret its meaning. This course will enlighten your ability to understand those areas of the bible that use symbolism. 407 Will You Be Counted Worthy For centuries theologians have been arguing over whether there is a necessity of a certain lifestyle to qualify one to be removed in the rapture of the Church. This course will clarify these arguments and bring understanding as to what is required of us. 408 Exposition on Revelation The seven seals of Revelation are the first series of heavenly releases that brings tribulation upon the earth. This course takes a close look at each of them. The seven trumpets and bowls finish the tribulation period. Discover what they mean and what will transpire during their release. GRK-Greek Language Studies 301 Logos Greek Language Studies Learn how to use Logos Bible Software to leverage your understanding of the Greek Language. HBL Hebrew Language Studies 301 Logos Hebrew Language Studies Learn how to use Logos Bible Software to leverage your understanding of the Hebrew Language. HBR Hebrew Studies 101 Biblical Principles of Prosperity This lesson is designed to give the student a Hebraic look at the principles of prosperity. You will learn the place that priesthood has in the idea of the tithe. 102 Buried With Christ This important course brings out some very important points concerning baptism in water. The student should come away with a renewed understanding of this rite of passage in the Christian faith. We deal with the interconnectivity this rite has with various doctrines. After the student finishes this lesson, they will not take baptism for granted ever again. 103 The Hebrew Alphabet and Culture The Hebrew Alphabet is an important component in interpretation. It is pictoral and concrete which lends itself to a more solid foundational meaning. The Hebrew culture brings another level of the rich wisdom found in the text of the bible. 301 Biblical Feasts The Hebraic biblical feasts are replete with meaning, prophecy, and symbolism. As you explore these feasts you will learn a treasure trove of information that will reveal the Christ in a wonderful new light. HML-Homiletics 101 36-Sermon Reports Weekly reports on chapel services that focus on material, delivery and development of sermons. 201 36-Sermon Reports Weekly reports on chapel services that focus on material, delivery and development of sermons. 301 36-Sermon Reports Weekly reports on chapel services that focus on material, delivery and development of sermons. 401 36-Sermon Reports Weekly reports on chapel services that focus on material, delivery and development of sermons. HST-History 301 American History This course will take the student on a journey through the founding of this nation showing a clear Christian heritage at work. This course will arm the student with information to thwart the revisionist historical writers of our day. 302 Already Compromised Secular and Christian colleges have a deep history in this nation. As the forces of liberal theological movements seek to undermine the biblical text, we need an accurate view of where we are. You will get a cross section look at the shape of Christian colleges today. 303 Original Intent The process of understanding any historical document is getting to the original intent of that document. This series will help the student to research and discover original intent. 304 Re-digging the Wells of our Fathers This course takes a candid look at early Church history and how the early Church sought to strip itself of anything Jewish. This will enlighten you to the struggles of the early Church and inform you of what was removed from it that ties us to our Jewish brothers and sisters. 401 Civil Government upon Godly Principles God established civil governing principles upon which any nation could build. This course reveals those principles and gives the student a view of civil government the way God designed. SPW-Spiritual Warfare 101 Compromising With Jezebel One of the most dangerous threats to any Church comes in the form of the Jezebel tactic. If this tactic will be successful it requires clandestine operations unseen by others. To protect the Church, all members must be educated to spot and identify this tactic in operation. This will serve to inoculate the enemy from destroying a Church from within. 102 Perception VS Reality This course will give the student a clear understanding of how to develop their critical thinking skills; to have the tools to develop a competent accurate worldview; to give the student the tools in which to test information to determine its validity; to teach the student how to guard the truth and recognize deception. 103 Road to Freedom Every student of the bible needs a working knowledge of what spiritual warfare is; how to recognize bondage and how to get free. 104 Rules of Engagement The purpose of this course is to give the student an understanding of spiritual warfare, what it is, and what it is not. The student will know how first to tear down their own strongholds before they attempt to help others and to properly engage the enemy in the ways taught us by the Master and our King, Jesus. 105 Building a Philosophy for Life This course takes a historical look at the philosophical models that have shaped our world. We want to instill in the student a clear picture of how this nation has degraded morally and philosophically to the place where it accepts moral relativism and secular humanism over the biblical model of morality and Law. 401 Generational Curses and the Deliverance Ministry A lot has been said about generational curses, believer possession, and word curses. We look at these things exegetically to discern their validity. 402 Our Protective Covering Spiritual warfare, like any warfare, comes with its own equipment. We examine the equipment designed for the believer in this course. STR-Soteriology 101 True & False Conversions This course teaches a clear method of biblical evangelism that stresses the model that Jesus and the Apostles used. The student will come away with the confidence and the tools needed to reach out to the world.   102 Amazing Grace This extremely important lesson will help the student understand the theological context of God's grace as it applies to each of us. They will learn the correct place that the Law of God and the grace of God have in their lives. 103 Overcoming Sin This is a detailed study about sin and how one overcomes it. The student will learn where sin gets its power and how to deal with it in a biblical way in order to overcome it. This lesson puts sin in the proper perspective in order to free the student to do the work of God. SYS-Systematic Theology 201 A Survey of Bible Doctrine Charles Ryrie takes the student through a survey of biblical foundation doctrine