Welcome to the CBI Correspondence Program where you can enhance your
biblical training in the comfort of your own home!
We are committed to Ephesians 4:11-16 which is the nexus of our training program. We offer a four
year degree program that is sure to enhance your biblical knowledge. By joining the CBI
Correspondence Degree Program you will become a part of the Collegium Ministries Leadership
Not everyone is called to a pulpit ministry, but everyone is called! Everyone is called to be a
disciple! Everyone is called to take the kingdom of God into the world no matter what their field of
expertise is! Everyone needs to be equipped so that they can be a witness in the field of work they
are in! No one is exempt from the need and invitation to become a disciple of Christ and learn of
Him! It is for this very purpose that we designed this program. We want you to become everything
you were created to be. You are called to excellence and you are brilliantly created to fulfill the work
for which you were put here in the earth at this time!
Why Discipleship?
The term “equipping ministry” is another term for the five ministries
given to the Church for the purpose of equipping the saints
(discipleship) to enter into the ministry of their created purpose.
How this looks to you and I may be as different as fire and water. In
defining what equipping means, we must go to the intent of the
author. The Apostle Paul had a particular process in mind when he
penned the following verse and we need to find out what he meant by it.
Ephesians 4:11-12 (NKJV)
And He Himself gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, and some pastors
and teachers, for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry, for the edifying of the
body of Christ,
The process the Apostle had in mind was known at that time as “discipleship.” This is just another
word for being a student. However, what did it mean to be a student in Paul’s time period and
culture? The Hebraic culture was very focused on educating the
members of their community. There was a certain expectation
that by age 12 or 13 the Jewish child had a good handle on the
Torah. At this age they would usually decide to go into a
vocation or a student of Torah.
If the choice was Torah, their training would then take them to
the teachers of the Law, if their vocation was a trade, they
would begin an apprentice process to learn their craft. An
example of this is Peter. Peter had the vocation of a fisherman.
He had not been schooled by the teachers of the Law, yet
Peter had a biblical knowledge of the Torah that was significant.
How this played out in Peter’s life is an interesting study.
Apparently, Peter was in the right vocation but the wrong ministry! Jesus did not change his
vocation but He did change his ministry when He said, “I will make you fishers of men.” After three
years of being discipled by Jesus, Peter was anointed and able to enter into his created purpose.
Had Peter said, “No thanks, I can get there another way,” do you think he would have become the
minister that history shows he became?
There is much to take away from this, but suffice it to say that if we are to enter into our created
purpose we must be willing to go through the process Jesus commanded. That command was, “Go
into all the World and make disciples...” We, as a Church, must transition from making converts to
making disciples. This is what our mission at Collegium Bible Institute is all about. To bring this
process of discipleship back into the Church where it belongs and where it can be accessed by all
the saints.
What Will Discipleship Do For Me?
Learn how to maximize your potential through our discipleship training program that will equip you
to contend for the faith. When you increase in the knowledge of God, it will enhance your life,
business, or your employment by implementing biblical principles in order to bring the favor and
blessing of God upon your life.
This program is designed to bring reason to your faith. In a culture of moral relativism, secular
humanism, post modernism, and anarchism, there is a vacuum of sound reasoning because there
has been a lack of sound teaching. We as the Church, allowed the removal of God from the public
square which has spawned the alarming consequence that our children no longer have a sound
foundation from which to measure truth, and many of them even lost
their faith in God.
Our Objective
It is therefore our objective to equip Christians so that they would be
able to reason with a culture that is doing what is right in their own
eyes. In accomplishing this we will re-establish the truths of God's
Word that has the power to bring this culture to the pinnacle of making
a decision of whom they will serve. This international equipping school
for the saints is a resource that is prepared to meet the needs of this
generation worldwide.
It has always been the mission of Collegium Bible Institute to be a
resource that would equip a people to fulfill their call and destiny. We have a strong resolve to train
those who are disciples to become adequate to do the good work for which they were created. This
is our calling and purpose for existence.
Where Am I Going?
As a student of Jesus you will become a part of our network of saints that are warriors in the
kingdom of God. Why do we want to build a network of leaders? It is our aim to bring leaders
together for the purpose of maintaining unity, vision, and education among those God has chosen to
lead this generation. This crop of leaders has at their disposal the technology that no other
generation has had before. I believe that God is using this technology to accelerate the education
process of discipleship.
As the leaders of this generation begin to access these new tools that are before us, we are able to
generate interest among a tech savvy generation in those principles that are older than humankind
itself. Then we can say as Jeremiah said: "Thus says the Lord, "Stand by
the ways and see and ask for the ancient paths, where the good way is, and
walk in it; and you will find rest for your souls..." -Jeremiah 6:16
The Next Step
If this is the type of training that you’ve been considering, then the next step
is for you to pray about it. All that we ask is that you take up your cross (your
destiny) and follow Him. You are invited to register in order to access the
next step. Once you register you will have access to purchase the program.
When you click on the button below you will be taken to the next step.
© Collegium Bible Institute 2013
Collegium Bible Institute
E-Learning Center
“Since I have come to CBI I feel much more
confident. My self esteem has improved and I
feel prepared to follow the will of God for my
life. The lessons show me who I really am and
that I am called, which uplifts me and causes
me to have hope concerning my future.” --CBI
“God is calling His people to ready themselves
and to take their place not just in the Church,
but in society as well. This world is crying out
for the example of faithfully prepared men and
women of God. "Go out into the highways and
the byways," but how can we unless we are
taught. I want to learn so that I can impact my
world and touch people's lives with the reality
of God's truth and love. I wanna be ready!” --
CBI Student
Biblical Studies Degree Program