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With The Tools To Live The Victorious Life !!
The Glory of Kings
Product Description
In the discourse of human events nothing stands out as a greater influence of human decision and history like the
impact that the Word of God has had upon mankind. This resource is sorely undervalued and underused. The
Word of God not only has the power to influence history and human events, it has the unmitigated energy to
develop godly character. In developing godly character there is not the enforcement of the power of the will but a
kingly search for the Creator. We are brought to godly living through the exercise of learning about Jesus. When
we do this it has the wonderful effect of developing your character and through God's Word you will find yourself
being transformed into the image of His Son. Make no mistake, if you are a Christian, you are invited to learn of
Him and that will develop you into a king. By giving understanding to biblical foundation subjects, you are released
to interpret the deeper things of those hidden treasures found in the Bible.
Is God Calling You To Ministry?
The Principle Objective in Life is to Answer the Weighty Question "Who am I?"
Without answering that question, destiny cannot be achieved. This book gives you the tools that make
answering that question and many more possible.
● Find the road-map to your destiny.
● Learn what to avoid and what to embrace.
● Discover the role that discipleship and mentoring play.
● Acquire the anointing needed for life fulfillment of purpose.
● Gain the knowledge you need to protect and nourish the dreams of God in you.
Buried With Christ
Buried With Christ is a two disc set on water baptism. In this teaching we take a look at the
Hebrew idea of baptism in order to get a fuller picture of what this Christian rite is all about.
Find out how there are three basic purposes to water baptism and that it is vital to the priesthood
of the believer. This teaching will excite you and even motivate you to to be baptized again now
that you know its purpose. Allow 2-3 weeks for delivery.
The Healing Mandate of the Believer
If you have ever wondered if healing is a right to the Christian, this six CD series is for you.
When you finish this teaching you will have a solid foundation from which to believe.
We will also show that it is every believer's mandate to heal the sick and that Jesus has
commissioned all believers into the service of the King to do His works in the earth. This is a
powerful series! Allow 2-3 weeks for delivery
Warfare: Strategies of the Enemy
Product Description
Kathryn takes you on a journey into the enemy's camp as she explains her after death experience. She reveals to
the reader what she saw and heard as she was walking toward heaven on an amber lit path. The information she
discloses in this writing is a wakeup call to anyone involved in spiritual warfare. The devil has truly tricked
thousands of Christians to wage war on the wrong battlefield. Backed up by Scripture, this experience will open
your eyes to the three battlefronts of warfare the devil has waged against the Christian. After reading this startling
revelation, the authors then take you on a journey into the Word of God to unveil the method of warfare we are to
be engaged in as Christians. What it is, how to wage it, and how to win it. The authors also take a look at some of
the most prominent and popular warfare tactics to determine their validity, such as generational curses, word
curses, believer possession, and more. You will gain an understanding of difficult passages like "The kingdom of
God suffereth violence and the violent take it by force." Overall, this book will become your new warfare manual as
you put into practice the revelations revealed in it. It could revolutionize how you view spiritual warfare.
The Government of God
Product Description
Since the beginning of time, through the ages, and to the present, man has been seeking to govern himself by his
own power. Many of the machinations of man are geared toward structuring a government, whether civil or church,
that revolves around either power, safety, or a combination of the two. In the past 2000 years leaders in the Church
have rejected a government structure that is based in biblical revelation. Entering the mass of conversation, Shaw
reveals a preferred government structure based in the actions of the Creator, both with the nation of Israel and the
Church, over a timeline that spans generations. This revelation brings purpose and understanding to the five
ministries revealed in Ephesians 4:11-12. All of the five callings are defined so that God's calling would be
recognized in His ministers wherever they are. Shaw also deals with the arguments against the apostle and the
prophet being viable in the Church today. What about women in ministry? Any treatise on government would be
incomplete without dealing with this controversial subject. Are women allowed to hold an office of ministry
according to the Word of God or are they forbidden? Shaw treats this subject carefully and with logic rather than
with heated passions or preconceived ideas. What is an elder and what is a bishop? Both of these terms have
brought confusion to the Body of Christ. The understating revealed about these two words can completely revolutionize the structure of the
Church. Coming back to a Hebraic cultural understanding will release us as the Church to look like Jesus in the earth. With all of the various
types of government in the Church, it becomes obvious that we have lost information that would keep us in the divine order of God. When we
let God interpret to us what He wants, and we follow it, that can only be followed by the manifestation of His presence corporately.
Leadership Training Series
Product Description
Jesus gave us the great commission to go into all the world and make disciples. The word “disciple” today has a
vastly different meaning than the day Jesus used that word. Our goal is to bring true discipleship back to the
Church. To achieve this we put together a leadership training package for local churches or bible study groups that
would simplify the process. We like to call it our “school in a box.” This package has 40 DVD classroom lessons,
workbooks for each lesson, tests, and answer keys. The package comes with a lifetime license so it can be used
over and over without any additional costs. Our local students are amazed at the change that takes place within
them after completing this package. We wanted to share our success with others as well and this package
represents our desire to bring back discipleship to the Body of Christ.